So tickets went on sale yesterday!!
That means the new website went live. Last year, all the shows and ticket purchasing systems were hosted at third party sites. While the tickets are still being sold through OvationTix the show information is all in house.
This means there’s been a good deal of proofing, troubleshooting, and fixing. There have been typos to fix with the names of people’s show, and issues with the way people can view and sort productions by date and time.
I’m not going to bug you with the details, but it’s been quite interesting being on the other end of getting all the bugs out, and intentionally trying to…well, “break” the website, so to speak, and test the functionality of the search function.
Now one thing I want (and need) to play catch up with is the other side of my intern coin: the press bit.
So far my job has been simple, following press releases. While we’ve gotten hard copies of articles and whatnot when we come across them, the majority of the archiving has been of online pages, from articles to blogs.
And a big help with this has been Google Alerts. In case you aren’t familiar with them, you should be, even if just to set up an alert for yourself.
It really facilitates keeping track of things. But because of various printer issues I’ve been having at Fort Fringe, I haven’t printed out some of the more recent items into our Master Folder. And considering our Press Conference/Preview is next Wednesday, and the press coverage has been fairly minimal so far, I probably want to make sure I’m caught up before the torrent of Google Alerts begin to inundate my inbox.
Oh, and this is my last week of my summer class, already. I know, right?!
Until next week,
Next Week: Press Conference, Preview, and Meetup